Busybike Nijmegen

“When I first saw an Urban Arrow, I knew it was the bike for me. It was both love at first sight, and the start of my business. What started as an encounter with co-founder Jorrit and his product in 2012 has resulted in a solid ongoing collaboration. I love selling Urban Arrows (and lots of them) because the brand is a cut above the rest in terms of functionality. Demand has grown tremendously over the past 10 years. That’s because of the convenience, safety, stability and design. Customers love the bike – say they should have bought it years ago. That’s the stuff success stories are made of.
Urban Arrow plays a big role in the bicycle market, everyone knows that. Now it’s full speed ahead.” Wibe Graafsma, skilled bicycle enthusiast and owner of cargo bike shop Busybike in Nijmegen, was one of the first ever Urban Arrow dealers. 10 years and many bikes later, the romance between the entrepreneur and the brand is still going strong.